I cannot go on doing this. And they were all, with two exceptions, executed by the State. Hey! Donald Henry Gaskins was dubbed the redneck Charles Manson, because of his short stature, his exalted sense of self-importance, and because he was locked up often at a young age. A serial killer is typically a person who murders three or more people, with the murders taking place over more than a month and including a significant period of time between them. Wuornos averred that one of the men, Richard Mallory, had raped and beaten her, so she had to defend herself. Later! . Serial killers in the USA outnumber those in other countries on a per capita basis, but this data may be due to better law enforcement records. He is crazy. Kelley Marks (author) from Sacramento, California on December 11, 2011: Thanks for the comment, susie bowes. New Bedford Highway Killer United States 1988 to 1989 9 11 Unidentified serial killer who killed nine women and disappearance of two others between 1988 and 1989. By. btk should be in the top 5, dennis rader is the best serial killer. . Voted up awesome and interesting. I could hang a dozen men while you’re fooling around.”. The FBI has confirmed an imprisoned murderer who confessed to 93 murders over four decades is the most prolific serial killer in US history. Remember Dean Corll? Later! While still imprisoned, Charles Manson died of natural causes on November 19, 2017. DS Duby from United States, Illinois on May 31, 2012: Excellent article as usual, I don't believe any serial killer is any worse than any other in every case they would still continue to do it until being caught. Makes you think don't it? Of course, those aforementioned dastardly guys and gals don’t need to press the issue, do they? Voted up. ruffridyer from Dayton, ohio on June 11, 2011: Most serial killers are a very lame lot. Here are 9 current serial killers who are still at large. This content reflects the personal opinions of the author. He's a different sort of serial killer but one nonetheless. Sam Little from Wheelwright KY on February 11, 2011: Great list. He strapped them to a board and tortured them hideously before killing them. Anyway, I'll check out yours. America’s worst ever serial killer confesses to killing over 90 women. Sensationalizing them actually makes them feel more important than they should feel. I also killed the only girl I ever loved.” When Lucas’ wife, Frieda Powell, wanted to confess her sins regarding her knowledge of her husband’s murders, Lucas killed her. Manson was part of a conspiracy and not necessarily a murderer. In fact, the United States has had more serial killers than any other country.. As early as the 1800s, the United States has seen killers who murdered on a massive scale. Executed. I agree that this list of heartless murderers is fascinating in a way that's hard to explain. Later! Later! Later! Killed himself in prison. You simply made a list of those who revieved the most notoriety from the press, or Hollywood. The "Grim Sleeper" could certainly be added. 8. Our society, such as it is, has spawned sociopaths and psychopaths. Jeffrey Dahmer started out as many serial killers have done by torturing animals. Later! Later! He didn't have to teach anyone to kill - society tends to do that by the positive spin put on murder and other forms of violence when done by the State. Thanks Kosmo. Charlie Manson may not have actually murdered anybody but he was just as guilty of murder as his acid-laced, psychopathic minions - Tex, et al. Mothers told their children: “Don’t go down to the river or play on the railroad tracks. If he isn't #1 on the list then who is sicker??? Dahmer definitely the sickest, he would drill holes into his victims heads and pour acid in their brains while they where still alive to try and turn them into zombies!!! Later! As Vox tells us, that year's spring was marked by the bloody trail of a serial killer who murderer six clerks in stores near the I-70 in an identical fashion, starting in Terre Haute, Indiana and ending in Wichita, Kansas. All of the applications have been denied. Later! You are HONESTLY under the impression that they didn't exist hundreds of years ago? 'Tis an extremely sad fact that in less than a minute, names can come to mind and spill from our lips...Arther Shawcross, David Berkowitz, Joel Rifkin, Ed Kemper, Bobby Jo Long, Denis Rader.....Stop! Samuel Little, believed to be the most prolific serial killer in American history, has died at age 80, the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation said Wednesday. Samuel Little, a man described by the FBI as the most prolific serial killer in US history, has died aged 80. 4 John Wayne Gacy. Ted Bundy certainly didn’t resemble your typical serial killer (assuming any of them do, of course). Not many people know that Manson is the prisoner to serve the longest term for never murdering anyone. Yes, I'm afraid there are many monsters among us, so this list is hardly complete. Kelley Marks (author) from Sacramento, California on July 16, 2012: SvgPlague, thanks for the astute observation. krushizm from HUNTINGTON STATION on July 22, 2010: great hub, I never though much about serial killers, but all that I read here is frightening. What wonderful anonymity this provided them with! But, I will agree with the facts...They are everywhere, they come from all different classes, there is no blinking neon sign hanging above their heads. We reward people in uniform if they kill lots of people, but punish them for the same action when out of uniform! Later! Perhaps Charlie’s most memorable line was “You made me,” when referring to how he thought society had made him what he was. I wonder how many people talked to these people not knowing they were talking to an evil killer? Also Edward gein was one of the sickest.wat kind of person wears human flesh,now that's sick. But when Charlie got into his thirties he became a guitar-strumming hippie with charisma. The motive is intrinsic, an irresistible compulsion, fueled by fantasy, which may lead to torture, and/or sexual abuse, mutilation and necrophilia.”, (Unless otherwise noted, all quotes in this article come from Innes’ book.). He definitely had what it took to attract women, and this he did to the demise of 40 or more young women in the 1970s, many of them raped, battered and strangled. At times, Bundy impersonated a police officer so he could more easily snatch and handcuff his victims. i realize with all the serial killers we have in this country it's hard to pair them down to just 12. That and that alone should be a commentary on why the only place Manson belongs is in prison. This is a man who, in my opinion, after researching this case to no end, as well as the opinion of many of the parents of the deceased children, many investigative reporters & some of the investigators on this case including the lead investigator, believe is completely innocent. At the time of the murders, Corona was the most prolific serial killer in the United States. Manson spent almost all of his early years in reform school or jail. DeAngelo wasn’t caught until forensic DNA evidence was used to identify and apprehend him in 2018. The way the press handles serial killers, unfortunately, in some ways actually elevates the killer and makes a celebrity out of them, and that has the unfortunately side-effect of possibly encouraging other killers. Originally confessing to thousands of murders with... 3. I also like your analogy of sending our fighting men and women to kill our enemies. Kelley Marks (author) from Sacramento, California on April 25, 2012: There are too many serial killers for me to keep track of. Later! he would take men first handcuffing them and them knocking them out then he would drag them to his apartment ( not a house) and then he would kill them because unlike most serial killers he didn't care for making his victims suffer or making them terrified he would kill them then have sex with there dead bodies and then cutting them open and masturbating on them. He and his two accomplices terrorized Houston, Texas in the late 1960s and early 1970s. also henry lucas was a prolific liar. . I was determined to keep out the grisly details and names of victims, which the website may not have allowed anyway. Elma Cannon from Chicago Il on January 28, 2019: Thanks for the comment, Paula. Guess everyone needs to be more diligent in there family and friends. But I have to agree with lmmartin, I doubt the modern society created such people. Manson never killed anyone so dont understand why he's on this list? I won't point any fingers at who and what creates them. The human mind is the single-most complex reality we can possibly tackle. 10 Worst Serial Killers 1. The serial killers listed here are among the worst in U.S. history. Kelley Marks (author) from Sacramento, California on February 10, 2012: As for research, the Grim Sleeper was busted after I wrote this list. Kelley Marks (author) from Sacramento, California on June 16, 2010: Tonymac04, thank you very much for your insightful and lenghty comment on this perplexing subject. He has applied for parole a number of times, the latest in 2011. In fact, I'm sure a fair number have never been caught. This would make him one of the most prolific serial killers ever. I think of him more msa madman. he killed hundreds of thousands of people. In a sociological sense, Charlie Manson may have been speaking an element of truth when he said, “I’ve killed no one. Michael Rosen. Unfortunately there are too many people like that. Regardless of what makes a serial killer, why make a list of them? It was one of the many times, about 18, since 1976 that he had been convicted of robbery and rape. These people who come to you with knives, they’re your children. Proven Death Toll: 33 Presumptive Death Toll: > 34 Years Active: 1972–1978. Fascinating reading. Might I also add the so called serial killer Charlie Manson is not what I personally would consider a serial killer maybe a psychotic person but that's about it!!!! Updated January 1, 2021. Forgot H.H. Manson didn't actually kill anyone. John Wayne Gacy grew up to be a veritable pillar of society in Cook County Chicago. He's an old man now; but, no less unrepentent in any way for these deaths. You're right about Lake and Ng, though, they certainly deserve to be on somebody's list of killers. I, for one, believe that anyone is a potential murderer. Authorities have eventually concluded that many of Lucas’ claims were exaggeration and/or references to other peoples’ murders. . Charles Frederick Albright (born August 10, 1933) is an American killer from Dallas, Texas, who was convicted of killing one woman and suspected of killing two others in 1991. At his trial, Bianchi used an insanity defense, claiming that he had dissociative identity disorder, meaning that a different personality, separate from himself, had committed the crimes. For me, his prediction of a "race war" he would instigate has fortunately not come to fruition. which is worse, these nut jobs? He was 83. The story's at http://jayssouth.com/texas/corll, all your information is true ,i am impress .would b keepn a tab on ur site. We just haven't recorded such events in the past! Nevertheless, the jury didn’t acquit Wuornos, sentencing her to death for the murder of three men. Agree with Lynda that this kind of killing is very likely not new - it has been going on for millenia, I would think. However, at this point, I wouldn't probably slip in the so-called Grim Sleeper. If someone bothers me next time I'll say "If Jeffrey Dahmer was alive he would kill you and eat your face". Charles Manson manages to make statements to others that at the surface sound wholly intelligent. Very interesting read. Know about the most dreaded serial killers in American history, including Ted Bundy, Andrew Cunanan, Jeffrey Dahmer, Zodiac Killer and John Wayne Gacy American Serial Killers Just as popular as America is for being a super power and the most advanced nation of the world, it also suffers for being one of the most debauched nations. I knew I would see a comment re: Wayne Williams. His death count makes him more prolific than serial killers such as Ted Bundy, who only ever confessed to 30 crimes. He suffered from schizophrenia, which in an of itself doesn't make a person violent. . This list isn't all about body counts. Kelley Marks (author) from Sacramento, California on July 08, 2017: You're right, frenchhorngirl, Aileen Wuornos was executed by lethal injection, not the electric chair. The Grim Sleeper could be here too. eats your face!”, Photo of Joseph DeAngelo when he was a policeman in the early 1970s. It makes me cringe when I here about mothers that had no idea their daughter was being repeatedly raped by "daddy", an uncle or a teacher, so on so forth. A serial killer doesn't kill out of hate or anger. I apologize for the length as well as the fact that this is sort of off subject, but I'd love for people to be more aware of a view from the other side...Great read. I myself find the inner workings of their brains or the questions of "why did he or she do this" to be the most fascinating. While under interrogation, DeAngelo told the police that an inner personality named “Jerry” had forced him to commit these heinous crimes. Thanks for the list! Wesman Todd Shaw from Kaufman, Texas on November 24, 2010: It's an interesting subject. Samuel Little recently came to light as America's most prolific serial killer. When the Golden State Killer was caught in 2018 — more than three decades after his crimes — the country was stunned. Later! Lists about infamous repeat murderers to chill your blood and remind you to lock your doors and windows and maybe keep a knife under your pillow. Manson was essentially correct. Finally, in May 1994 Gacy was executed by lethal injection. Why? Loved it! In need of a place to dump the corpses, Gacy simply buried them under and around his house. Gein is not a serial killer as he only killed two women. Ron Hawkster from United States of America on July 23, 2012: @kw: I have known about Richard Kuklinski for quite a while. In 1991, Dahmer was finally caught and confessed to 17 murders. It is — as Edmund Kemper, one of the worst serial killers of all time, put it — a thrill: "There was actually a sexual thrill. Fancying himself a kind of messiah, Charlie eventually formed a kind of “family" out in the desert, brainwashing his hippie followers while they tripped on LSD. Ten times! I am not excatly sure what causes people to kill but whatever it is that makes people kill is quite scary. Although I could have done without the information that the Zodiac killer has never been "caught" and could be my next door neighbor...that kinda stuff spookes me to much! Presidents certainly do their share of killing, sometimes innocent folks too. When will his crimes be posted? But the actual number is believed to be over 300. All of his victims were young women and many of them prostitutes. Videotaped the torture, rape & murder of prostitutes. Some are believed to have killed... Ángel Maturino Reséndiz. One of the most elusive serial killers ‘The Man from the Train’ is believed to have murdered as many as 100 victims. It always bothers me when Ed Gein makes these lists and he is described as "evil". Kelley Marks (author) from Sacramento, California on November 24, 2010: Yeah, Mr. Shaw, Bundy's life is definitely one for the movies - an R-rated one, of course. I think the number one reason for serial killers is bad parenting. Hey! Just a couple of my personal thoughts and my opinion and we all know what opinions are like lol!!! Pedro Alonso López (born 8 October 1948) is a Colombian serial killer, who was sentenced for killing 110 girls, but who claims to have raped and killed more than 300 girls across Colombia, Peru and Ecuador. Ed Gein supposedly only killed 2 women however they were uncertain however he was just as sick but I agree Charles Manson was not a serial killer he was just capable of making people do his bidding I enjoyed the read. Later! Thanks for the tip. Donald Harvey did not come from the dysfunctional family background typical of most serial killers. He is incarcerated in the John Montford Psychiatric Unit in Lubbock, Texas.... Joseph D. Ball (January 7, 1896 – September 24, 1938) was an American serial killer, sometimes referred to as "The Alligator Man", the "Butcher of Elmendorf" and the "Bluebeard of South Texas". Dahmer, á la John Gacy, buried his victims under and around his house, keeping body parts here and there, his depraved mind considering them trophies perhaps. Alfreta Sailor from Southern California on February 02, 2011: Kelley Marks (author) from Sacramento, California on January 18, 2011: Hey, JB, even though Charlie wasn't convicted for actually murdering anyone, he was guilty of conspiracy. Additionally, he was not a sexual sadist nor was torture a part of his schema. Suzie from Carson City on December 28, 2018: Kelley.....What a lovely group of freaks......and the list goes on & on & on. Your right as nosey as we are it's the mystery surrounding murderers that we find so inticing. Not some one to glorify but a notch above Sissies like Ramaraz or Gein. 10. This is our view on which of those make the most notorious serial killers in the world. Or, in the worst-case scenario, still roaming the streets hunting for victims. By the way, actress Charlize Theron portrayed Wuornos in the movie, Monster. They had very little fear of ever getting caught because people were so naïve and there was very little in the way of forces to apprehend them. I realize serial killers are often not convicted of murdering all their victims, but some of the other cases clearly contained exculpatory evidence & there was no way they were exposing that info! Gacy scares me to death. As it turns out, it sure is possible, and the murderers on this list prove it. In August 2020, Joseph DeAngelo was sentenced to life in prison. Theories. Nevertheless, these denizens of the dark were convicted and sentenced to life in prison. Incidentally, along the way, Gaskins also raped and murdered his niece. I'm gonna change it right now. Twitter. Moreover, adding up body counts is not what this list is all about; it's the killers' negative impact on society. hailei from Romania on November 19, 2011: I think Mason's words couldn't be more true: "they’re your children. Maybe we should just stick to being known for our rain. In 2018, however, Little confessed that his victim count is much higher, stating he'd killed approximately 90 people across numerous states between 1970 and 2005. Yes, that's hundreds of victims. So many and the sickness seems unstoppable. Once busted, the shocking tale of the Manson Family became the most sensational trial of the century (Until O.J?).
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