Torquato Tasso: biografia e opere TORQUATO TASSO, ANALISI. El Tass l'è on bergamasch, però chi sa che na ghe bagna el nas on lodesan? Torquato Tasso era um poeta italiano do século XVI, conhecido pelo poema La Gerusalemme liberata (Jerusalém libertada), de 1580, no qual descreve os combates imaginários entre cristãos e muçulmanos no fim da primeira cruzada, durante o cerco de Jerusalem. Meanwhile, through the years 1575, 1576 and 1577, Tasso's health grew worse. It appeared at the moment when music, under the influence of composers like Palestrina, Monteverdi, Marenzio and others, was becoming the dominant art of Italy. But his natural bent was for romance. It is influenced by the tragedies of Sophocles and Seneca, and tells the story of princess Alvida of Norway, who is forcibly married off to the Goth king Torrismondo, when she is devoted to her childhood friend, king Germondo of Sweden. A riguardo...   Leggi di più, Buonasera signor presidente chi le scrive è una farmacista, (abito a riese pio x, ho 44 anni due figli di 4 e 9) dopo aver sentito che lei vorrebbe una...   Leggi di più, Carissima Meloni Il suo stimatissimo Marsilio domani chiude le scuole sul territorio Abruzzese ma con molta probabilità non conosce che l'Abruzzo consiste...   Leggi di più, [Cassa integrazione] Salve mi presento, mi chiamo Victoria a fine marzo farò 32anni è da 12che lavoro come cameriera. Alfonso consented, provided Tasso would agree to undergo a medical course of treatment for his melancholy. Torquato Tasso. És conegut sobretot pel seu extens poema èpic Jerusalem alliberada, ambientat a l'assetjament de Jerusalem durant la Primera Croada, així com per la bogeria que va patir durant els seus últims anys de vida. When, during the boy's childhood, the prince of Salerno came into collision with the Spanish government of Naples, being subsequently outlawed and deprived of his hereditary fiefs, Tasso's father shared his patron's fate. Letteratura italiana — breve riassunto della vita, opere, poetica, produzione lirica e teatrale di Torquato Tasso Torquato Tasso (11 de março de 1544 - 25 de abril de 1595), filho de Bernardo Tasso, era um poeta italiano do século XVI, conhecido pelo poema La Gerusalemme liberata (Jerusalém libertada), de 1580, no qual descreve os combates imaginários entre cristãos e muçulmanos no fim da primeira cruzada, durante o cerco de Jerusalem. Jahrhunderts, der Zeit der Gegenreformation. La biografia e l'opera di Torquato Tasso (1544-1595), il grande poeta autore del poema eroico "Gerusalemme liberata". Born in Sorrento, Torquato was the son of Bernardo Tasso, a nobleman of Bergamo and an epic and lyric poet of considerable fame in his day, and his wife Porzia de Rossi, a noblewoman born in Naples of Tuscan origins. Torquato Tasso: la biografia. Nato l'11 marzo 1544 a Sorrento da famiglia principesca, il padre Bernardo, anche lui insigne poeta, apparteneva ai Della Torre mentre la madre, Porzia De Rossi, bella e virtuosa, era di nobile stirpe. Seeing a cardinal's coach toil up the steep Trasteverine Hill, the monks came to the door to greet it. Biografias. But only a few months had passed when he grew discontented. Il "figlio" più famoso di Sorrento è Torquato Tasso. Ho seguito la tua intervista a Verissimo. CONTRADDIZIONI La vita Torquato Tasso, Sorrento 1544 Le peregrinazioni al seguito del padre Il Gierusalemme (1559-61) Giovanissimo, Tasso aveva già esperienza di varie corti italiane, Urbino, Mantova, Ferrara e si era inserito in quel mondo di eleganza mondana e di raffinata cultura. Ho condiviso ogni parola, ogni pensiero che hai così ben espresso, con...   Leggi di più, Gentilissimo avv. In the year 1580, he heard that part of the Gerusalemme was being published without his permission and without his corrections. Hijo del poeta Bernardo Tasso. Biografia do poeta italiano Torquato Tasso. [1], In the autumn of 1576 Tasso quarrelled with a Ferrarese gentleman, Maddalo, who had talked too freely about some same-sex love affair; the same year he wrote a letter to his homosexual friend Luca Scalabrino dealing with his own love for a 21-year-old young man Orazio Ariosto;[2][a][3] in the summer of 1577 he drew his knife upon a servant in the presence of Lucrezia d'Este, duchess of Urbino. Torquato Tasso foi um importante escritor, poeta e dramaturgo italiano da época do Renascimento Cultural. Nasce a Sorrento nel 1544, figlio del nobile Bernardo Tasso e di Porzia de Rossi , una nobildonna pistoiese. The last twenty years of his existence had been practically and artistically unsatisfying.[1]. - Goethe era formado em Direito e chegou a atuar como advogado por pouco tempo. His father had for many years been secretary in the service of Ferrante Sanseverino, Prince of Salerno, and his mother was closely connected with the most illustrious Neapolitanfamilies. Several of the "Dialogues", "Torrismondo," and some of the late religious works have also been issued in English. Jerusalém Libertada (Gerusalemme Liberata) é um célebre poema épico do poeta italiano Torquato Tasso, publicado pela primeira vez em 1581.O poema narra uma versão ficcional da Primeira Cruzada, onde os cavaleiros cristãos, liderados por Godofredo de Bulhões, combatem os muçulmanos a fim de levantar o cerco de Jerusalém. Descubra a melhor forma de comprar online. April 1595 in Rom) war ein italienischer Dichter des 16. Compre os livros de Torquato tasso, no maior acervo de livros do Brasil. Some biographers have surmised that a compromising liaison with Leonora d'Este came to light, and that Tasso agreed to feign madness in order to cover her honor, but of this there is no proof. Hijo del poeta Bernardo Tasso. When he returned, which he did with alacrity under those conditions, he was well received by the ducal family. Tasso felt neglected. There are streets named after him in virtually every major Italian city, most notably in Bergamo, Posillipo (Naples), Rome, Turin, Palermo and Catania, as well as in Palo Alto, California. The next five years seem to have been the happiest of Tasso's life, although his father's death in 1569 caused his affectionate nature profound pain. Accordingly, he once more opened negotiations with the duke; and in February 1579 he again set foot in the castle. torquato tasso biografia Nasce a Sorrento nel 1544 . Nacque a Sorrento ed ebbe una vita travagliata ed errabonda, ad eccezione di … Fu questo il periodo più felice della sua vita durante il quale compose quel capolavoro che è la "Gerusalemme liberata". Wherever he went, wandering like the world's rejected guest, he met with the honor due to his illustrious name. His health began to fail him. The man, like Hamlet, was distraught through ill-accommodation to his circumstances and his age; brain-sick he was undoubtedly; and this is the Duke of Ferrara's justification for the treatment he endured. Torquato Tasso nasce a Sorrento l’11 marzo 1544 e,secondo la tradizione, egli era tanto un valoroso cavaliere quanto un grandissimo poeta, tanto che si diceva: "Con la penna e con la spada nessuno val quanto Torquato". The duke, contrary to his image as a tyrant, showed considerable forbearance. A rival poet at the court of Ferrara undertook to revise and edit his lyrics in 1582. Thus, while the nominal hero of Gerusalemme Liberata is Godfrey of Bouillon ("Goffredo"), the leader of the First Crusade and the climax of the epic is the capture of the holy city. Cogliam d'amor la rosa: amiamo or quando esser si puote riamato amando. Instead of applying himself to law, the young man bestowed all his attention upon philosophy and poetry. [1], As he had done in Rinaldo, Tasso adorned Gerusalemme Liberata with a number of romantic episodes, which have proved more popular and influential than the grand sweep of the main theme. Therefore, when an opening at the court of Urbino was offered in 1557, Bernardo Tasso gladly accepted it. Alfred Jodl, condannato e impiccato dal processo di Norimberga, è riabilitato postumo. Claudio Monteverdi, cuyo nombre completo era Claudio Giovanni Antonio Monteverdi (Cremona, bautizado el 15 de mayo de 1567 - Venecia, 29 de noviembre de 1643), fue un compositor, violagambista, cantante, director de coro y sacerdote italiano. This sentiment, refined, noble, natural, steeped in melancholy, exquisitely graceful, pathetically touching, breathes throughout the episodes of the Gerusalemme, finds metrical expression in the languishing cadence of its mellifluous verse, and sustains the ideal life of those seductive heroines whose names were familiar as household words to all Europe in the 17th and 18th centuries. These 28 texts deal with issues from morality (love, virtue, nobility) to the mundane (masks, play, courtly style, beauty). Su obra marca la culminación de la poesía renacentista italiana y anuncia el desarrollo posterior de la misma, sobre la que ejerció una enorme influencia. Rim), najveći italijanski pjesnik kasne Renesanse.Bio je autor epa "Oslobođeni Jeruzalem" (ital. Questa Cmap, creata con IHMC CmapTools, contiene informazioni relative a: Torquato Tasso, aver ultimato La Gerusalemme liberata, il suo capolavoro, che piace molto al duca e ai cortigiani, ma che genera nel poeta un'insicurezza ossessiva tanto che si autodenuncia al tribunale del Santo Uffizio per paura di non aver rispettato l'ortodossia, TORQUATO TASSO … Identikit e dati anagrafici Nome Torquato Cognome Tasso Nato 11 marzo 1544 a Sorrento, NA Morto 25 aprile 1595 a Roma Dopo poco tempo divenne compagno di studi del figlio del Duca Guidobaldo II di Urbino, personalità di cui il padre era uomo di corte. [1], A few years later, in 1585, two Florentine pedants of the Crusca Academy declared war against the Gerusalemme. He firmly believed that Tasso was insane, and he felt that if he were so St. Anna was the safest place for him. Torquato Tasso Poeta italiano Nació el 11 de marzo de 1544 en Sorrento (Italia). Com Jerusalém Libertada, se tornou um dos mais célebres poetas da literatura universal. Great folk opened their houses to him gladly, partly in compassion, partly in admiration of his genius. During the same year a blank-verse retelling of Genesis, called Le Sette Giornate, saw the light. [1], The prisoner of St. Anna had no control over his editors; and from the masterpiece which placed him on the level of Petrarch and Ariosto he never derived one penny of pecuniary profit. Morirà il 25 aprile 1595 alla vigilia dell'incoronazione che avverrà postuma. Dopo aver studiato a Napoli presso i Gesuiti, Tasso raggiunse il padre a Roma nel 1554, e nel 1557 si trasferì con lui alla corte dei Della Rovere a Urbino, dove venne a … Cursó estudios en la universidad de Bolonia. Torquato Tasso (Sorrento, 1544 - Roma, 1595) è il principale poeta e scrittore dell'età della Controriforma, nonché l'autore di uno dei maggiori capolavori del poema epico del Cinquecento, la Gerusalemme liberata.Come letterato del tardo XVI sec. La fortuna di Tasso è stata immensa e profonda, a cominciare dalla sua biografia, che si è arricchita lungo i secoli di significati romanzeschi fino a identificare Tasso, nell'età romantica, con la figura esemplare del genio solitario e incompreso, straniero tra gli uomini: è questo il tema del dramma goethiano (Torquato Tasso… Nació el 11 de marzo de 1544 en Sorrento (Italia). Gli scienziati James Watson e Francis Crick annunciano di aver determinato la struttura a doppia elica del DNA. Tasso had to defend himself against all these ineptitudes and pedantries, and to accommodate his practice to the theories he had rashly expressed. A Croatian translation of Aminta by the poet Dominko Zlatarić, Ljubmir, pripovijest pastijerska, was printed one year before the original, also in Venice. Instead, the reader is attracted to the stories of Ruggiero, fiery and passionate Rinaldo, melancholy and impulsive Tancredi, and also by the chivalrous Saracens with whom they clash in love and war.[1]. Capitolian honors and money were now at his disposal. Torquato Tasso (Sorrento, cerca de Nápoles, 11 de marzo de 1544-Roma, 25 de abril de 1595) fue un poeta italiano de la época de la Contrarreforma. Critica. Nevertheless, its author was recognized as the most promising young poet of his time. Anna. There the dread of being murdered by the duke took firm hold on his mind. The subsequent history of his connection with the poet corroborates this view. Le doti di Bernardo si trasferirono copiose e ancor più potenziate in Torquato il quale a diciotto anni esordì con il poema "Rinaldo", splendida opera dedicata al cardinale Luigi D'Este. • and S. Acocella, trans. Scene followed scene of irritability, moodiness, suspicion, wounded vanity and violent outbursts. The disease Tasso began to suffer from is now believed to be bipolarity. The flattered father allowed the work to be printed; and, after a short period of study at Bologna, he consented to his son's entering the service of Cardinal Luigi d'Este. by Maria Pastore Passaro (Ottawa: Legas, 2011). Torquato Tasso foi um importante escritor, poeta e dramaturgo italiano da época do Renascimento Cultural. Pope Clement VIII ascended the papal chair in 1592. La madre è una nobile napoletana, che però perde all’età di 8 anni e il padre, proveniente da una nobile famiglia bergamasca, è un apprezzato uomo di lettere al servizio del principe di Salerno, Ferrante Sanseverino . There he was to receive the crown of laurels, as Petrarch had been crowned, on the Capitol. The most important events in Tasso's biography during the following four years are the completion of Aminta in 1573 and Gerusalemme Liberata in 1574. Letteratura italiana — Mappa concettuale su Torquato Tasso e la Gerusalemme liberata: biografia dell'autore e analisi breve della sua opera principale…. Early life and works. Tasso, Torquato. News reached them in 1556 that Porzia Tasso had died suddenly and mysteriously at Naples. Verifica: Torquato Tasso, vita, opere e pensiero poetico. Torquato Tasso rodio se u Sorrentu koji je spadao pod Napuljsko kraljevstvo, 1544. godine. Buongiorno Ivana. Non ci sono messaggi o commenti per Torquato Tasso. Torquato Tassodunque si presenta come l'interprete di questa crisi sociale e culturale. Torquato Tasso (Sorrento, 1544 - Roma, 1595) è il principale poeta e scrittore dell'età della Controriforma, nonché l'autore di uno dei maggiori capolavori del poema epico del Cinquecento, la Gerusalemme liberata. [1], Tasso, preoccupied as always with his own sorrows and his own sense of dignity, made no allowance for the troubles of his master. Therefore, he bore with the poet's humors, and so contrived that the latter should have no excuse for quitting Ferrara. Tasso, Torquato. Torquato Tasso (* 11. Até os 10 anos viveu na cidade de Nápoles. Mappa concettuale su Torquato Tasso e la Gerusalemme liberata. In 1589 he returned to Rome, and took up his quarters again with the patriarch of Jerusalem. itáliai költő, a 16. század egyik legnagyobb alkotója. Quella della musica è una delle tre vie per le quali l'anima ritorna al Cielo. TORQUATO TASSO E IL RINASCIMENTO TASSO TORQUATO (11 marzo 1544- 25 aprile 1595) Importante figura di letterato del XVI secolo, egli più di tutti, nelle sue opere, espresse le tensioni che percorrevano la società del suo tempo e quindi la società della Controriforma. From the carriage stepped Tasso and told the prior he had come to die with him. CONTRADDIZIONI La vita Torquato Tasso, Sorrento 1544 Le peregrinazioni al seguito del padre Il Gierusalemme (1559-61) Giovanissimo, Tasso aveva già esperienza di varie corti italiane, Urbino, Mantova, Ferrara e si era inserito in quel mondo di eleganza mondana e di raffinata cultura. [1], While with his sister at Sorrento, Tasso yearned for Ferrara. Egli attua una critica sue se stesso e finisce per definirsi eretico per il contenuto del poema. Torquato Tasso, autor de la Jerusalen liberada, poema que fuera por siglos modelo de versificacion para varias literaturas europeas, es tambien autor de Aminta, un drama de intenso caracter lirico y altamente expresivo, mas por los sentimientos de los personajes que por sus propios actos dentro del drama. He had no children, and unless he got an heir, there was a probability that his state would fall, as in fact it eventually did, to the Holy See. Es conocido sobre todo por su extenso poema épico Jerusalén liberada , ambientado en el asedio de Jerusalén durante la Primera Cruzada , así como por la locura que le aquejó en sus … [1], All might have gone well if his old maladies had not revived. He had the palaces of princes, cardinals, patriarchs, nay popes, always open to him. One wished it to be more regularly classical; another wanted more romance. Il Partito Repubblicano viene fondato a Ripon, nello stato del Wisconsin. Nel mondo mutabile e leggero costanza è spesso il variar pensiero. Autore della Gerusalemme liberata, ultimo capolavoro della letteratura del Rinascimento, Tasso crea uno stile nuovo.La sua poesia malinconica e i suoi versi ricchi di sfumature esprimono la crisi dei valori del 16° secolo e l’inizio di un’epoca piena di dubbi. Dialoghi (Dialogues), written between 1578 and 1594. Difesa migliore che usbergo o scudo, è la santa innocenza al petto ignudo. In 1570 he traveled to Paris with the cardinal. The oddest thing about his life in prison is that he was always trying to place his two nephews, the sons of his sister Cornelia, in court-service. During the Renaissance, the first (incomplete) translation of Jerusalem Delivered was brought out by Richard Carew (1594). [1], At no time since Tasso left St. Anna had the heavens apparently so smiled upon him. He wrote humbly requesting to be taken back. Alla fine del suo pellegrinare, durante il quale continuò a comporre, si trovò a Roma dove accolse l'invito del Papa di recarsi al Campidoglio per ricevere l'alloro solenne. Legends describe him wandering the streets of Rome half mad, convinced that he was being persecuted. Biografia Torquato Tasso. [1], The young Torquato, a handsome and brilliant lad, became the companion in sports and studies of Francesco Maria della Rovere, heir to the duke of Urbino. One of them he attached to Guglielmo I, Duke of Mantua, the other to Ottavio Farnese, Duke of Parma. Como sua paixão era a literatura, resolveu dedicar-se a esta área. In the attainment of this object, and in all the minor qualities of style and handling, Rinaldo showed marked originality, although other parts seem unfinished and betray the haste in which the poem was composed. A complete version by Edward Fairfax appeared under the title Godfrey of Bouillon in 1600. Tasso was the son of Bernardo Tasso… [1], The epic was finished in Tasso's thirty-first year; when the manuscripts lay before him the best part of his life was over, his best work had been already accomplished. Aminta, played by courtiers in an island of Po river where the duke had his Giardino di delizie, was first printed by Aldo Manuzio in Venice in January 1581. Torquato Tasso nelle opere letterarie, [Vaccino Russo] Gentile Dottore, sto ascoltando come sempre la sua trasmissione, ho sentito che lei argomentava il vaccino Russo Sputnik. È 'l sonno, ozio de l'alme, oblio de' mali. Yet fortune came too late. [1], Alfonso was about to contract his third marriage, this time with a princess of the house of Mantua. The court-made man could not breathe freely outside its charmed circle. Monumento a Evaristo Arnús, obra de Tasso ubicada en Badalona, inaugurada el 11 de mayo de 1895 y, posteriormente, destruida durante la guerra civil. Questa Cmap, creata con IHMC CmapTools, contiene informazioni relative a: Torquato Tasso, aver ultimato La Gerusalemme liberata, il suo capolavoro, che piace molto al duca e ai cortigiani, ma che genera nel poeta un'insicurezza ossessiva tanto che si autodenuncia al tribunale del Santo Uffizio per paura di non aver rispettato l'ortodossia, TORQUATO TASSO si inserisce … [1], The conclusions were that Tasso, after the beginning of 1575, became the victim of a mental malady, which, without amounting to actual insanity, rendered him fantastical and insupportable, a cause of anxiety to his patrons. Publication date 1844 Usage Public Domain Mark 1.0 Topics bub_upload Publisher Firenze Monnier Collection europeanlibraries Digitizing sponsor Google Book from the collections of National Library of Naples Language Italian. New York: Italica Press, 2011,[5] and as Rhymes of Love, ed. Encontre aqui obras novas, exemplares usados e seminovos pelos melhores preços. The action of the epic turns on three stories of interaction between noble beautiful pagan women and these Crusaders. 29/12/2007 13h06 . The first two books of his five-hundred-odd love poems were addressed to Lucrezia Bendidio and Laura Peverara. Torquato Tasso (/ˈtæsoʊ/ TASS-oh, also US: /ˈtɑːsoʊ/ TAH-soh, Italian: [torˈkwaːto ˈtasso]; 11 March 1544 – 25 April 1595) was an Italian poet of the 16th century, known for his poem Gerusalemme liberata (Jerusalem Delivered, 1581), in which he depicts a highly imaginative version of the combats between Christians and Muslims at the end of the First Crusade, during the Siege of Jerusalem. To Tasso everything came amiss. But Tasso's restless spirit drove him forth to Florence. I call my feeling 'love' and not just affection, because after all love it is. Torquato Tasso: vita e opere riassunto breve. Torquato Tasso: biografia, pensiero e opere 1 Biografia di Torquato Tasso: una vita tormentata. The ceremony of his coronation was deferred because Cardinal Aldobrandini had fallen ill, but the pope assigned him a pension; and, under the pressure of pontifical remonstrance, Prince Avellino, who held Tasso's maternal estate, agreed to discharge a portion of his claims by payment of a yearly rent-charge. His irritable and suspicious temper, vain and sensitive to slights, rendered him only too easy a prey to their malevolence. All that made the poem of his early manhood charming he rigidly erased. TASSO TORQUATO (11 marzo 1544- 25 aprile 1595) Importante figura di letterato del XVI secolo, egli pi� di tutti, nelle sue opere, espresse le tensioni che percorrevano la societ� del suo tempo e quindi la societ� della Controriforma. Il poeta esaurisce le sue energie creative continua a rivedere e correggere il suo poema. The poem was sent in manuscript to a large committee of eminent literary men, Tasso expressing his willingness to hear their strictures and to adopt their suggestions unless he could convert them to his own views. The letters written from St. Anna to the princes and cities of Italy, to warm well-wishers, and to men of the highest reputation in the world of art and learning, form the most valuable source of information, not only on his then condition, but also on his temperament at large. In 1552 Torquato was living with his mother and his only sister Cornelia at Naples, pursuing his education under the Jesuits, who had recently opened a school there. [1], Some critics have attempted to make it appear that he was hypocritically kissing the hand which had chastised him, with the view of being released from prison, but no one who has impartially considered the whole tone and tenor of his epistles will adopt this opinion. Ci impegniamo costantemente per la precisione e la correttezza delle informazioni. Fin dall'infanzia deve affrontare diverse difficoltà e cambiamenti: il padre, al servizio del principe di Salerno, alla caduta di questo … In the autumn of 1587 he journeyed through Bologna and Loreto to Rome, and taking up his quarters there with an old friend, Scipione Gonzaga, now Patriarch of Jerusalem. His work was widely translated and adapted, and until the beginning of the 20th century, he remained one of the most widely read poets in Europe. Torquato Tasso: la vita. Aminta is a pastoral drama of very simple plot, but of exquisite lyrical charm. Torquato Tasso, (born March 11, 1544, Sorrento, Kingdom of Naples [Italy]—died April 25, 1595, Rome), greatest Italian poet of the late Renaissance, celebrated for his heroic epic poem Gerusalemme liberata (1581; “Jerusalem Liberated”), dealing with the capture of Jerusalem during the First Crusade.. La struggente poesia di amanti e cavalieri . It seemed, moreover, that life was intolerable to him outside Ferrara. Beschreibung: Dieses Poster wurde von Josef Fenneker … [1], At Venice, where his father went to superintend the printing of his own epic, Amadigi (1560), these influences continued. These stories rivet the reader's attention, while the battles, religious ceremonies, conclaves and stratagems of the campaign are less engaging. Am bekanntesten wurde er durch das Epos La Gerusalemme liberata (Das befreite Jerusalem, ins Deutsche auch als Gottfried von Bulljon übersetzt), in dem er ein fiktives Gefecht zwisc… Peter Brand, Charles Peter Brand, Lino Pertile, This page was last edited on 24 January 2021, at 10:07. L’ACCADEMIA Presentazione … When, during th… Nato l’11 marzo 1544 da una famiglia di nobile estrazione, si trasferì a Roma all’età di dieci anni per raggiungere il padre. He opened negotiations with the court of Florence for an exchange of service. Conte, stasera una buona notizia, guiderà il Movimento, sarà un brutto colpo per colui che subdolamente ha fatto di tutto per metterla da...   Leggi di più, Egr. " Rime (Rhymes), nearly two thousand lyrics in nine books, were written between 1567 and 1593, influenced by Petrarch's Canzoniere (Songbook). Torquato Tasso: Massimo esponente della corrente letteraria del Manierismo e figura tipica del poeta cortigiano, fu uno dei maggiori autori del Cinquecento. by Max Wickert. The princesses Lucrezia and Eleonora d'Este, both unmarried, both his seniors by about ten years, took him under their protection. In the prison he bore himself pathetically, peevishly, but never ignobly. He escaped at the end of July, disguised himself as a peasant, and went on foot to his sister at Sorrento. This was Battista Guarini; and Tasso, in his cell, had to allow odes and sonnets, poems of personal feeling, occasional pieces of compliment, to be collected and emended, without lifting a voice in the matter. La sua vita tuttavia può considerarsi distinta in due periodi: quello che va dalla nascita fino al 1575 e quello successivo dal 1575 in poi. He and his nephew, Cardinal Aldobrandini of San Giorgio, determined to befriend the poet.
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